On this weeks walking dead the group entered Alexandria and to my surprise they had a nice community, there weren't a lot of people pointing guns at them or people on rooftops looking out. It looked like a town before the outbreak and the people there looked the same.
As the episode went on the leader of Alexandria asked to interview them one on one and she did and she went on to talk about how Alexandria had been there since the start. After Rick's interview we were shown to were the group would be staying and they were 2 perfectly in tact houses with working electric and running water (I don't know how this is possible). They also introduced a few new characters and as the walking dead writers are i don't know how long they are going to live since the made it passed there first episode.
In my last post i talked about how I am still undecided on whether or not to trust them and unfortunately i still have that same opinion and mostly because of what rick said how people are just about surviving and always seem to have an angle which has been proved in past episodes.
I am very hopeful for next weeks episode to see if they will show us how Alexandria came to be since they have done that with most characters/bases. I am also hopeful that they will help me decide whether i should trust everyone at Alexandria or not.
Its unlikely Lewis they never stay in one place for long