I have only played the map a couple times but I already enjoy although the maps seem to have a lot in common they have focused more on the appearance in this map. There is a part of the map where there is live zombie sharks, I will be honest I didn't think I would ever see a zombie shark in a zombie map but apparently Sledgehammer have decided they wanted them. I have mainly been watching NGT do there usual easter egg hunt so I can get tips on how to do it myself when the time comes that I want to do it.
Sledgehammer have also added in a new feature where you have to defuse a bomb I am not sure if it is every round but it is too often for my liking because you got to go against Atlas soldiers and they get stronger as the rounds get higher. It gets really annoying after a while because you also have to survive while the Atlas soldiers shoot at you and the zombies start rushing in which is really difficult because after 10 seconds your 1 hit away from going down and you need to navigate your way out quickly before the Atlas soldiers can get you.
As I mentioned in the previous post Oz is no longer someone you can play as but we don't know if he is dead. Throughout the map you will hear Oz talk but he is not there what the assumption is that it is just a recording of him reading out the Captains log but as I said this is just an assumption since no one has finished the Easter egg to get the cut scene we don't know yet.
Once I have played the map more I will have another post hopefully there will be more info around by then.
A good informative post Lewis 2 more this week will see you to the end